Setting Up The PCBA QSL Card
If you recieved a card based on a PCBA, please set it up by the following step. This is an NTP Clock. Plug into your computerPlug the USB-C connector to your computer by a USB-C cable. For Windows, Visit Device Manager(by pressing Windows + X and then M), at the “Port (COM and LPT)”, there should be a USB-SERIAL CH340K (COM??) displayed. Remember to noti..

QSL Card Gacha info我的QSL卡需要通过发卡获得。每1个QSO可以进行一次发卡。 「异世相遇」活动发卡原来你也玩原神·原宝三周年快乐(PCBA) (5★) UP! 查看详情 每20次发卡必出五星物品。活动限定五星卡片仅在UP期间,通过对应发卡获得。 详情说明「异世相遇」活动发卡已开启。活动期间内,限定5星卡片「原来你也玩原神·原宝三周年快乐(PCBA)」的发卡获取概率将大幅提升! 以上卡片中,限定卡片不会进入「永不消逝的电波」常驻发卡。 一般情况下所有卡片均使用基础概率,如触发概率UP、保底等以具体规则为准。 发卡规则在本期「异世相遇」活动发卡中,5星卡片发卡的基础概率为5.60%,综合概率(含保底)为12.50%,最多10次发卡必定能通过保底获取5星卡片。 当发卡获取到5星卡片时,有5..

This is the official page of Personal Amateur Radio of PRC callsign BD7PIP. 回卡地址: 杨雪枫 14775033115广东省深圳市龙华区龙华建设路368号 尚峻花园二期四栋1306邮编:518109 Card send back info: Suzuran Hana, (+86)14775033115No.368 Longhua Jianshe Rd. (Shangjun Garden)Longhua District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, ChinaPostcode: 518109 information before updated at 2024-04-24. Previo..
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